The Black Moon (Lilit) moves into the sign of Libra
June 29, 2024 at 12:19 p.m. The Black Moon (also known as Lilith) moves from the Virgo zodiac sign to the Libra sign, where it will travel for approximately 9 months until March 26, 2025.
We will not see the Black Moon in the sky, it is not a planet, star or satellite. It is a mathematically calculated "virtual point" related to the elliptical orbit of the Moon when it is farthest from the planet Earth (the closest reference point to the Earth is perigee, and the farthest is apogee). In astronomy, an asteroid was also named after Lilith, which was discovered in 1927 between Mars and Jupiter. The name Lilith (Lilita, Lilitu, Lili, Lilu) is also mentioned in Mesopotamian, Sumerian, Assyrian and Babylonian mythology. After the veil of memory has been covered for centuries, even historians today have more than one version of this mythological goddess - creature. The most prominent myth that has survived to this day is associated with the Hebrew tradition, which tells that Lilith was the wife of the first man, Adam. (Yes, that's right, according to this version of the myth, Eve is his second wife). Lilith considered herself an equal creation of God, like her husband, and therefore refused to obey him, for which she was expelled from paradise. There are versions that tell that Lilith refused to have sex with Adam, or that Lilith herself left paradise. The common narrative of this myth is the attribution of demonic qualities to Lilith.
In various traditions of Astrology, the Black Moon (Lilit) also has different symbolic meanings. Some of them are fatal, associated with the greatest vices and temptations. Others are associated with karmically burdened negative experiences of past lives. Lilith is also considered the shadow side of the personality, the unconscious instinctive "black zone", which requires the greatest awareness and effort to act on its temptations. Lilith is often associated with the veil covering consciousness, through which we do not see the objective world. Or with the naturally manifesting feminine energy, which is often suppressed or considered shameful. It is also believed that behind this greatest shadow lies the greatest talent, which the soul develops over many incarnations, sometimes moving away from it, sometimes approaching it again.
In any case, the changing position of the Lilith point from one zodiac sign to another subtly affects us all. During these nine months, the impact of Lilith's journey will be felt most strongly by those whose birth horoscope has the Sun, Lilith in the sign of Libra, or this sign is otherwise highlighted.
During this period, we may encounter shadows or trials in the areas of relationships, partnerships, and cooperation. The “crooked” aspects of justice may also become apparent, when we blindly defend or “turn a blind eye” to injustices. Deficiencies in balance, diplomacy, or tolerance may be revealed. Social norms, agreements, various contracts, or even laws may be put to the “maturity test.” Also, areas such as culture, ethical norms, even creativity or the spheres of beauty may experience various manipulations, distortions, and manifestations of formalism. During this period, more than ever, we are faced with our subconscious fears, inability to decide or delay in making the right decisions, doubts, and shifting responsibility to others or the environment. In a negative sense, indecision, appeasement, conformism, hypocrisy, duplicity, or even deception are also possible.
During Lilith's nine-month journey through the sign of Libra, we will overcome our shadows by paying more conscious attention to the search for peace, purification of relationships, a sense of balance and tact, and cultivating honesty and respect (first of all, in our relationship with ourselves). The key to this cycle is to keep the middle ground, learn to reconcile contradictions, balance and unite different poles, learn to say both "no" and "yes" in order to maintain the center of our self while balancing on the scales of life. Moderation, clarity and adaptation are important in seeking non-standard solutions, justice, clarity, but not adaptability. Now, naturalness and humanity, authenticity of content, not just external form or pose, are especially important. Let us discover nature, seek fresh air, create a real connection, be humanly, naturally sincere. Let us dare to look at our shadows in the light of consciousness.
Lilith's journey (transit) through the signs of the Zodiac is an inevitable mystery of the Solar System. However, the regularity of cycles in no way means fatality. Human life (microcosm) is inseparable from the macrocosm, but man in the system of the universe is not just a "sliding chess piece". If God created man in his own image, similar to himself, God's creation is free to create the same. What reality and what relationship with the reality you create do you choose?
Wishing for light,
Astrologer Ieva Visockienė