Mėnulio jaunatis Avino ženkle. Saulės užtemimas.

New Moon in Aries. Solar Eclipse.

in 2024 April 8 9:20 p.m. there will be a New Moon in Aries Zodiac. 9 p.m. 17 minutes we will get the solar eclipse maximum.

This eclipse closes the "corridor of eclipses", during which we could feel swirls of intensifying energies, unexpected events, a more sensitive nervous system. During eclipses, we usually face the inevitable consequences of our past decisions and actions (and perhaps inaction). We are often drawn into situations or events in order to make a change, to break out of an old, outdated pattern of functioning, or to break old habits, beliefs, etc. Once you realize this, it is much easier to accept the intensification of the rising karmic vortexes and use the opportunity to consciously withdraw from them. Periods of eclipses are portals of powerful energy, like wells, where all potential possibilities are activated. If we focus on the negative, it will increase, but if we see the possibilities, an evolutionary leap becomes possible. No matter what chaos is going on around us, let's understand that this is the cosmic help of the Universe, which is building an accelerated treadmill for us. It is only our free will to use it (or not).

Solar eclipses always contain the increased potential of the new moon energy, it is a moment of cosmic renewal (as if the reset button had been pressed). This period of ending old cycles and sowing new seeds also coincides with the symbolic meanings of this New Moon. New moons in the zodiac sign of Aries always point us to renewal, purification, turning to the true, authentic self, to the search for self, our individual operating model, the spreading of our unique divine talent. We are each on this earth with our own mission. The symbolism of Aries Zodiac gives courage to be yourself, to be an independent leader, natural and sincere, to fight for yourself, your territory, your people, your ideas. It is a spirited, active and confident archetype.

In this period, let's not use our power in a destructive way, but on the contrary, build the foundations of a new life of infinite possibilities. Let's not compete - let's look for cooperation options. Let's not adhere to the old categorical approach, but to effective flexibility. Let's check one more time, whether I really did everything that depends on me to enter the junction of new cycles while being in truth and authenticity with myself, with the environment, with the whole world.

We may also now feel a little more than usual of hesitation and uncertainty in life, inexplicable pain or heartache. Such states are possible due to the New Moon conjunction with Chiron. Chiron represents the archetype of the soul's healer. Rising past stories, tensions, traumas or misunderstood states (after all, the experiences of the soul can stretch many lifetimes before the current incarnation) - all this can be a sign of ongoing soul healing processes. The wound healing process requires change and time. We will not turn back time, we will not change the past, but the present and the decisions we make in it, our actions, intentions, changes - all this determines the future we create ourselves.

Do you know that you are the bearer of the Creator's fire on Earth? I wish you the courage to spread that light. I wish you wisdom and unbreakable knowing when it is time to keep that light within you in a state of peace.

Wishing for ease - astrologer Eve

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