Ugningoji pilnatis Avino Zodiako ženkle

Fiery Full Moon in the Zodiac Sign of Aries

The full moon is the peak of the lunar cycle. The moon is at its farthest point from the sun in its journey around the earth. The sun, earth and moon are aligned on one axis. Just like during the new moon, only then does the moon align itself on the axis between the sun and the earth. Every few weeks we can observe the mutual communication of our closest celestial bodies through this mysterious axis. This movement of celestial bodies, which has existed for countless centuries, seems to be self-evident. But have we ever thought that maybe this is not just a coincidence or just a beautiful pattern invented by the Creator of the Universe? What is it? Why is it so? Why not otherwise? And what is the meaning of it?... What if these two reference points (the end of the lunar cycle coinciding with a new beginning and the peak of the cycle) are powerful energy portals of space? What if this is a free and always available channel for a person to achieve something more and further?

2024-10-17 14:26 The full moon is in the Aries zodiac sign. It is possible that we have been feeling the energies of this full moon in our environment for some time. As the moon becomes more and more full, it also magnifies what it is symbolically associated with – the subconscious world, emotions and feelings, instinctive reactions, deep needs, experiencing bliss, health and many other aspects of life. The sun (consciousness) illuminates the moon (subconsciousness), which is why we see in our environment and experience emerging unconscious states within ourselves. Therefore, the full moon is a great time to clean out our inner storerooms. Let us use the “spotlight” of awareness and, full of the creative energies of the moon, let us take action.

The Moon in the Aries zodiac sign takes action. First, it gains courage, confidence, determination, and leadership qualities. Then, with the fiery will of the initiator, it moves forward. Well, sometimes impulsively or even combatively, but such qualities help to restore violated boundaries, defend itself and the weaker, or prevent values ​​from being attacked. Let's not be surprised if we become more impatient, restless, or inconsistent than usual. It is normal for emotional geysers to erupt. Let's remember that we can direct our reaction towards creation or destruction (including suppression). Let's look for harmonious ways to accept and release the intense energies that arise.

The events, experiences, and happenings of this full moon are messages from the Universe that can illuminate life's tasks, show the path to healing the wounds of the soul, and reveal the help of guardian angels. We will experience these gifts by being brave, open, honest, and independent, without wavering, with a clear understanding of our identity.

The Sun in the Libra Zodiac sign will subtly remind you that I am not alone. Let us seek balance in any relationship. First, let us seek harmony with ourselves. This is the most intimate and strongest connection, on which all others depend. Imagine if you were the Earth, experiencing a perfect cosmic axis with others during the full moon, with the Sun and the Moon. Maybe the soul came to this world to experience itself through relationships with others? I believe that relationships are possible in which my individuality is in harmony with the uniqueness of another.

The motto of the Aries zodiac sign is “I am!” We are called to declare this to the world.

Happy Full Moon!
Astrologer Ieva Visockienė

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