Žvitrioji Mėnulio jaunatis Dvynių Zodiako ženkle

Bright New Moon in Gemini Zodiac Sign

On June 6, 2024, at 3:37 p.m., a new lunar cycle begins with the new moon. At the moment of the new moon, we never see the Moon, because at that time it “connects” with the Sun in the sky. The light of the Sun hides the Moon. The energy of the Moon becomes like an invisible seed, to which the best gardener of the cosmos, the Sun, has come to instill the guarantee of life and growth. Therefore, the moments of the new moon on the journey of our earthly life are our small stops to stop and sow our most wonderful, diverse, fantastic seeds – dreams, intentions, imaginations that turn impossible things into possibilities and new potentials.

In astrology, the moon, among other symbolic meanings, represents feelings, emotions, instincts, and the subconscious world. Therefore, the seeds sown should not be just dry goals and aspirations (although they are also suitable). The energy of the moon invites you to feel, empathize, and become the energy and force of your aspiration or intention. To measure in your body the full potential of that seed, the size of which at the current point we may not even be able to imagine. Become your dream in your primary matter – your body. The gardeners of space take care of your desires.

As the Sun and Moon travel through the Gemini Zodiac sign, it seems that not only our wardrobes become lighter, but lightness spreads through the air like the aroma of strawberries! We communicate more easily, collaborate, act faster, adapt and change more flexibly, think more quickly and generate new ideas, which is why our emotional background also becomes more volatile, unstable, and somewhat superficial (there is no time to "get stuck"!). Such energy is suitable for visiting and evaluating the paths, beds, furrows, ponds, and many other various areas of our garden. In which part of our garden (area of ​​life) do we need additional fluffiness, lightness, non-significance, or simplicity?

During the New Moon in Gemini, it is beneficial to focus intentions, plans, dreams, and visions on the following topics:

- Mental health

- Information field

- Knowledge, science, innovation

- Communication, words, language, speech

- Close environment (neighbors, colleagues, brothers, sisters, friends)

- Trade, exchange, crafts

- Negotiations, contracts, deals, business

- Short trips, business trips

At this time, we should avoid distractions, unnecessary "disguising" in our minds and actions. Let's not overuse our resources, even if there are many things to do. Excessive superficiality and insensitivity can steer relationships in the wrong direction. Let's avoid lies, gossip, manipulation and excessive talkativeness - the latter vices are currently (and not only) the most unfavorable.

Instead, let's turn our attention to and make a conscious effort to the strong qualities of this New Moon in Gemini: ease, flexibility, the ability to adapt harmoniously, quickly navigate changes, use intelligence, knowledge. Let's be curious, simple, open, and, of course, friendly!

During the New Moon in Gemini, it is favorable to answer the following questions for yourself:

- What is the information field surrounding me? What is its impact?

- Am I aware of my mental world, my thoughts, the activities of my mind?

- Do my thoughts help me create a successful and happy life?

- How do I change? How do I accept change?

- How do I communicate? What is my language? What is the impact of the messages I convey?

- What are my relationships with my family? Colleagues? Neighbors?

- Is there an area where I could work better, faster, simpler, easier?

- How can I achieve this? On my own? Or maybe I should learn, improve, or consult with specialists?

The key to this new year is flexibility, diversity, and dynamism in change.

Light and inspiring New Moon!
Astrologer Eve

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